Modified from an original article posted at

Mobile War Arc Gundam

Version 1.0
by Mark Berger


Campaign Voice
Tech Level
Tech Level 6
Mecha Combat Skills
Only Mecha Gunnery, Mecha Melee and Mecha Fighting are relevant - Mecha Missiles is absorbed into Mecha Gunnery, and Mecha Fighting is absorbed into Mecha Melee

Optional Rules

Anime Leaps
Not allowed.
Stats Above 10
Not allowed.
Skills Above 10
Missile Travel Time
Strictly enforced.
Always applies.
Extra Actions
(MZ+ p49) Is not used; use "Extra Crew" method.
Always used.
Let's Active!
Not used.
Missile Priming
Not allowed.

Character Creation

Stat Generation
Cinematic Primary Characters (70 points).
Characters can be Rookies or Professionals.


Newtypes are handled very differently from MZ+ ESPers. Use "Psi Potential Stat" as Newtype ranking (non-Newtypes may have 0 in Newtype). Psi Points are not used. Active/Latent rules apply (especially Bonding), but Wild Talents do not. Note that some Refs prefer using EMP as an indicator of Newtype level, while others like to add NT to EMP. In any event, the character's Newtype level (NT)has the following abilities:

Newtypes are also notorious for throwing psychic fits, with unpredictable results. Hence, the referee can grant a Newtype character "Newtype special effects," but only under special circumstances.

Whenever the referee feels it is dramatically appropriate, he can allow a newtype character to exercise a Psi-skill. There are two ways this can happen: if the character wants to conciously perform a "Newtype special effect," and the Ref feels it is appropriate, the character may choose a psi-skill (again, approved by the Ref) from the list and then rolls his (Stat) + NT + 1D10 vs the defender's (Stat) + NT + 1D10 (+Luck, if added). "(Stat)" refers to the Statistic the psi-skill is associated with (Mind = INT, etc.). The results are always left up to the Referee; whatever skill-level result the Ref likes is allowed.

The other way such skills can be used is when the character is in an extreme situation. Then, the Ref can (if he wishes), tell the character to roll 1D10. If the result is lower than his (COOLx2 minus NT), then the referee can allow the character to choose a skill from the list of Psi-skills and then use it. Again, the results are up to the referee. Certain Skills are not appropriate to Gundam and should never be used: (Pyrokinesis, Telekinesis, Levitation, Regeneration, Teleportation,etc.).

Mobile Suit Construction

Interpreting Stats


Torso kills * 1.8 = Head height (not total height, which may be greater)

Prohibited Systems

Refer to list below:

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